Thursday 24th August 2023
Jubilee Room - NSW Parliament House
On Thursday the 24th of August 2023, in conjunction with the Australian Marine Conservation Society and the National Parks Association of NSW, we had a lunch time event at NSW Parliament house where we invited all our NSW political representatives and their staff to a showcase of our submission for Bongin Bongin Bay to become an Aquatic Reserve. Our keynote speaker was Professor David Booth with special guest Valerie Taylor AM.
Professor David Booth is a highly-cited marine researcher and a Professor of Marine Ecology in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He has published more than 180 papers about reef-fish ecology, climate change and other anthropogenic impacts on fishes and fisheries. He is also the Team Leader at the UTS Fish Ecology Lab.
David Booth spoke about the importance of Marine Parks and pointed out that less than 2% of the world oceans are currently protected. He made a specific point about the importance of small, no-take marine reserves similar to the one being proposed at Bongin Bongin Bay.
Valerie Taylor AM
A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.